In the same way, vegetable oil can be used for cooking instead of animal oil. 同样,可以用植物油来代替动物油进行烹调。
Dr. Stein also cautions that fish oil can be hazardous when combined with aspirin or other blood thinners. 斯坦博士还提醒说,当与阿司匹林或其他血液稀释剂合起用时,鱼油可能会带来危险。
The oil can come from animal fat or plant sources like avocado, coconut or sunflower. 由可以来自动物脂肪或者植物来源,比如鳄梨椰子或者向日葵。
So, what is the absolute lowest price oil can be produced for in the U.S.? 那么在美国,可以支撑石油生产的最低油价是多少呢?
Clinical feeding studies in humans have shown that avocado oil can reduce blood cholesterol. 饲临床研究,在人类已表明,鳄梨油能显着降低血胆固醇。
Too much engine oil can damage the engine and is used up faster due to the dilution effect. 发动机机油过多可能会导致发动机损坏,且由于稀释效应,机油会更快用尽。
Additional engine oil can be added. 可以加注更多的发动机机油。
HY series quality colour ink solvent oil can substitute the imported products to produce all high-class ink oil. HY系列高级彩色油墨溶剂油可替代进口的同类产品用于制造各种高档油墨。
Camellia oil can promote bone growth, promote the generation of mining agents and calcium absorption. 山茶油能促进骨骼生长,促进矿剂的生成和钙的吸收。
In diesel engines in particular, the oil can thicken by absorbing soot. 特别是在柴油发动机,机油变稠因吸收烟尘。
Brazilians know oil can be a curse as well as a blessing. 巴西人知道石油可以是祸根,也可以是恩赐。
Acid number of lubricating oil can be obtained by neutralizing standard acid solution and alkalinity substance of aqueous phase. 用标准酸溶液中和水相中的碱性物质,即可获得润滑油的酸值。
Patchouli essential oil can also be good for a variety of skincare treatments. 广霍香精油也用在治疗多种皮肤保养问题。
High levels of drug aromatic oil can be extracted from the oil-water separator. 可提取高含量的药物芳香油,从油水分离器中取出。
Oil can be transferred by pipe, as with water. 石油象水一样,可通过管道输送。
Once it has sunk to the bottom of the sea, the oil can kill plants by smothering them. 一旦油沉到海底,它就会覆盖在植物上进而杀死它们。
Calamus oil can be added to tea or even better, a bath to promote erection. 藤石油可以添加到茶叶,甚至更好,洗澡,促进勃起。
Pipelines carrying oil can be broken by faults or landslides, causing serious oil spills. 管道带着油可以被错误或陆地滑坡弄破裂,导致严重的石油泄漏。
Pure, the oil can be used for cooking, lighting or generating electricity. 纯麻疯树油可以用于烹调、照明或者发电。
Conclusion: Garlic oil can prevent WBC decrease and DNA damage induced by radiation. 结论:大蒜油具有对抗辐射引起的白细胞减少和DNA损伤作用。
Cottonseed oil can either be processed to edible oil or applied in industrial production. 棉籽油可以加工成食用油,也可以用于工业生产。
Conclusion: Garlic essential oil can prevent and treat experimental hyperlipidemia in rabbits. 结论:中华大蒜油对家兔实验性高脂血症具有防治作用。
A recent French study has found that olive oil can help reduce the risk of suffering a stroke. 最近一份法国的研究发现,橄榄油帮助可以降低罹患脑中风的风险。
Oil can be turned into energy by burning it. 油经过燃烧可变为能原。
Jiang's volatile oil can enhance the secretion of gastric juice and the wiggle wall, to help digestion; 姜的挥发油能增强胃液的分泌和肠壁的蠕动,从而帮助消化;
Tea tree essential oil can also be used has a treatment for cold sores, acne, verrucae and warts. 茶树精油也可有效治疗唇疱疹,痤疮,肉赘和肉疣。
Patients should be warned that camphor oil can irritate the skin. 但是得告知病人樟脑油可能对皮肤有刺激性。
Shale from which oil can be obtained by heating. 加热后能分解出油的页岩。
If the using skills are mastered, the burning of heavy oil can bring a certain of economic benefit. 所以,只有掌握使用技巧,燃烧重油才能带来一定的经济效益。